Saturday, May 31, 2008


So, we trying to figure out what to do for dinner. Jess goes and asks Cami what she would like for dinner. Here is the conversation:

Jess: Cami-girl, do you want taquitos for dinner?

Cami: want a cheeseburger.

Jess: We don't have any cheeseburgers.

Cami: Oh...well, Daddy will go bye-bye and bring me home a cheeseburger?!

(Daddy is now laughing very hard on the couch as he's listening in on the conversation)

I love my girl!!! Then again, I should probably take this as a sign that we go out to eat a little too often...wouldn't ya say?


Anonymous said...

Ummmmmmmm, hard to say, but someone has someone wrapped around her little finger!!!

Jess Stevens said...

As Cami's Mama, no, we don't really go out much. But, you know she is a total sponge & she knows she can get her Daddy to do just about anything for her!

cathy said...

Uncle go and get Cheeseburger /fries for his nephews and niece??