Wednesday, April 23, 2008

This Day in History

Here's the ironic thing...I had mentioned that a portion of this blog was going to be dedicated to US history. When was the last time I blogged about history...well, I guess that is history in itself. So I thought I would give you a bit of the history behind this day, April 23:

1776: John Paul Jones burns Whitehaven, England during the Revolutionary War.

1791: President James Buchanan is born.

1865: Confederate President Jefferson Davis explains to his wife as he flees from Union troops that "panic has seized the country"; he had realized that the South had lost the war.

1954: Hank Aaron hits his first homerun.

1956: Elvis makes his debut in Las Vegas.

1969: Sirhan Sirhan, Robert Kennedy's assassin receives the death penalty.

1975: President Ford declares that the war in Vietnam is over for America.

* Information provided by The History Channel

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the upDATES! I love stuff like that...connects me to my roots :o)