Friday, June 13, 2008

Spending the day with my girls

What a great day. I had the opportunity to spend the first half of the day with my baby girls. Jess had a "girls day out" with her friend getting her appendages pampered (pedies and manies for those who don't know what I'm talking about). So it was Cami, Caylee, and Daddy for the morning. We got to play with toys, go outside and explore the backyard, swing, nap, eat lunch, and the most important event of the day...Daddy got to answer the following question at least 15 or 20 times...

"When is Mommy coming home?"

Maybe Daddy should go back to work now.


Anonymous said... are so funny!!! Luv that you spend time with your little girls. They won't be little forever, & the bonds tied now will be worth everything when they start noticing that Daddy is not the only man in their life!! Prayerfully, they will choose a man just like their Daddy!

cathy said...

That is funny because us moms usually ask the kids 20-30 times "When is daddy getting home??"

:corinne: said...

Awesome you were able to spend some time with the girls. Even though they missed mommy I'm sure they loved being with daddy...Happy Belated Father's Day bro. :)

Carrie Postma said... are awesome.

Carrie Postma said...

blog,! You're on summer break what else do you have to do?
oh yeah, make room for a new baby.