Sunday, November 4, 2007

And so it begins...

So where does the inspiration come from to start a blog? I've been inspired by my wife, my sisters, friends, and the motivation to share my life with others. To share what I do in the classroom, on the football field, and in life. My plan is to share with you about my love for Jesus Christ, my family, U.S. History, and Warrior Football. It is my hope and prayer that those who read and view this blog will learn, laugh, enjoy and maybe even be inspired by what God can do for you in life. "Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage." - Galatians 5:1


Jess Stevens said...

hey handsome, love your BLOG! can't wait to learn from the wisdom you share. love you!

Anonymous said...

Oh...this is just too cool! It will be fun reading & learning history stuff, knowing what you've been up to, & lots 'o laughs! :o)

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of Blogging Cam (i'm not there, yet)! It's good to see your mug on the Internet and read your words of wisdom. Miss you in Oregon!!!

- Sean

Anonymous said...

I was a blessing to read your blog. Your very proud mama sent me the link and will check it out again bro!


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Cameron Stevens,
Often YOU are in my thoughts & prayers. Only The Holy Spirit could interpet my depth of gratitude for HIM bringing YOU into my daughter's life. Just know that anytime I try & share with others how SPECIAL YOU ARE and how BLESSED I am to be a part of your life, I dissolve in tears of JOY & THANKFULNESS.
Congrats!! on #3 !!! NOW I'm REALLY FEEL'N like a Grama :)
Ooohh, and I'm think'n kind'a BLUE TOO, BUT,
Pink's always been my favorite color!
G-Ma "B"